Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) i-Stem
i-Stem PRP Kit Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (pack of 10 PRP kits)
Experience the next generation of Platelet rich plasma (PRP) kits.
A unique, modernised anti-shake patented i-Stem PRP System now available here in the UK for safe and effective treatment within the exciting field of regenerative medicine, making treatment effective and simple.
What is even more convenient is our PRP kits with i-Stem PRP is that they fit practically most centrifuges. Us here at Dynamic Regenerative Medicine use only i-Stem PRP kits and are here to offer support and advice to anyone using these specialised PRP systems.
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) kits - IN STOCK FAST delivery
£200.00 Was £500.00 - Save £300.00
Cheapest PRP kits in the UK
i-Stem PRP Product Introduction
i-Stem PRP is a medical device specially designed for PRP separation, with very high concentrations of platelets. Due to the high levels of concentration, i-Stem PRP kits release large amount of growth factors which are used to treat many areas with ongoing success.
This high concentration of growth factors includes the therapeutic treatment of damaged connective tissue with fast effectiveness. These growth factors can then go on to provide regeneration of the damaged tissue areas by promoting and facilitating healing.
i-Stem PRP Systems are conveniently compatible with most centrifuges and are easy to use with a simple method of PRP separation due to single tube use. After one simple spin we have highly concentrated PRP ready for extraction. Furthermore, there is very unlikely risk of contamination due to the rubber ring interference fit. In addition, easy identification of the Buffy coat layer with high concentrated number of the platelets, ready for easy extraction.
i-Stem PRP Product Safety
i-Stem PRP Kits use biocompatibility certified materials and the parts undergo gamma-ray sterilisation according to ISO 13485 standards. Contamination from surrounding air during the concentration of platelets is blocked by adopting the cap system and safety cap. i-Stem PRP ensure zero contamination from surrounding air during the separation process.
i-Stem PRP Speed & Convenience
The Buffy coat layer can be easily and accurately identified so you have precise sample of highly concentrated PRP.
i-Stem PRP Overview
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is completely autologous (Meaning it comes from yourself) blood with very high concentrations of platelets, 5/6 x over baseline levels and contain hi potency growth factors. Normal blood contains only 6% platelets. However, in PRP, there is a concentration of 94% platelets, which identifies a very high concentration of growth factors which can be used for many effective treatments. PRP treatment is used by stimulating cellular proliferation and tissue regeneration to dramatically accelerate healing.
Furthermore, platelets come from the patient’s own blood, so there is absolutely no possibility of infection or other side effects. The only precaution you need to take is to stop any anti-inflammatory medications while administering PRP, Simply because PRP treatment is pro inflammatory and is used to stimulate the healing response and facilitate tissue recovery.
Our blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), which contains small specialised red cells, white cells, and platelets. The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of protein growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries and damage tissue. PRP is plasma with very high concentrations of platelets than what is typically found in blood, 5 to 10 times greater than usual.

i-Stem PRP preparation
1) blood must first be drawn from a patient (Only 20-60ml).
2) platelets are then separated from other blood components cells and their concentration is increased during a process called centrifugation.
3) Then the increased concentration of platelets is extracted via PRP and used for treatment.
i-Stem PRP is a medical device exclusively designed for fast, affective PRP separation, with high concentrations of platelets and large amounts of growth factors. These growth factors are then effectively used for the therapeutic treatment of damaged or injured connective tissue.
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment is used in many areas of treatment. Examples are hair loss treatment, skin rejuvenation and joint pain/injuries e.g. osteoarthritis. Find out further information on and what areas can be treated with PRP therapy here.
Get in touch if you would like to find out further information on i-stem PRP kits and how they can benefit your clinical practice.
i-stem PRP kits are now being sold in the UK exclusively with Dynamic Regenerative Medicine.