Below are old and recent evidence-based research studies and publications into many of the treatments we do here, in relation to many conditions.
This is good for patients to just gauge an idea of what the treatments are all about at a medical and scientific level.
Again, if any questions arise please feel free to get in touch with us here at Dynamic Regenerative Medicine. We just want the best level of care for our patients, and offer FREE consultations to discuss your needs.

Treatment of Muscle Injuries with Platelet-Rich Plasma: a Review of the Literature
Platelet-rich plasma for muscle injuries: A systematic review of the basic science literature
Can platelet-rich plasma therapy save patients with ulnar collateral ligament tears from surgery?
Musculoskeletal Therapies: Musculoskeletal Injection Therapy
Use of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Regenerative Therapies in Soccer


Efficacy of Platelet-rich Plasma for Treating Androgenic Alopecia of Varying Grades
Platelet-Rich Plasma and Its Utilities in Alopecia: A Systematic Review
Evaluation of platelet-rich plasma vs intralesional steroid in treatment of alopecia areata
The effect of platelet-rich plasma injection in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia
Platelet-Rich Plasma as a Treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia
Efficacy of platelet-rich plasma in androgenetic alopecia patients
Hair Biology: Growth and Pigmentation
Platelet rich plasma for the management of hair loss: Better alone or in combination?
The Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine: A Comprehensive Review
Problems and Solutions for Platelet-Rich Plasma in Facial Rejuvenation: A Systematic Review
Platelet-rich plasma, the ultimate secret for youthful skin elixir and hair growth triggering
Platelet-rich plasma, a powerful tool in dermatology

Treatment of Degenerative Articular Affections with Zeel.pdf
Application Possibilities of Traumeel S Injection Solution.pdf
The Use of Biological Medicaments in the Sports Medical Area.pdf
Treatment of Sports Injuries with Traumeel.pdf
A Comparative View of the Therapeutical Use of Zeel and Traumeel.pdf
Treatment of Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases with Traumeel.pdf
Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy in the Athlete.pdf
Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle a Double-Blind Trial.pdf
Latest Clinical Results with Traumeel Ointment in Sports. pdf
Therapy of Post-traumatic Swellings with Traumeel.pdf
Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle a Double Blind Trial.pdf
Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle a Double Blind Trial.pdf
Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle a Double Blind Trial.pdf
Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle a Double Blind Trial.pdf
Treatment of Acute Sprains of the Ankle a Double Blind Trial.pdf
Traumeel in Traumatic Soft Tissue Swelling.pdf
An investigation by Questionnaire into the Therapeutic Effect of Traumeel.pdf
Injectible Biologics for Treatment of Podiatric Problems.pdf
Treatment Possibilities of Painful Musculo-Skeletal Disorders.pdf
Inflammatory Processes and Treatment Alternatives.pdf
Injection Therapy for the Lower Extremity.pdf
Biological Therapy of Rheumatic Pain in an Orthopedist's Practice.pdf
Antihomotoxic Therapy for Coxarthrosis, Gonarthrosis and Polyarthrosis of Fingers.pdf
Rheumatic Disease from a Paediatric Standpoint.pdf
Periarticular Therapy of Gonarthritis.pdf
An Overview of Rheumatological Disorders.pdf
Therapeutic Report - BHI Arthritis Remedy.pdf
Rheumatic Articular Diseases and their Antihomotoxic Therapy.pdf
Complementary Treatment of Post and Parainfectious Rheumatoid Disorders.pdf
Analgesic Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis Part 1 The Problems of Conventional Therapy.pdf
Homeopathic Preparation vs Hyaluronic Acid for Gonococcal Arthritis.pdf
Homeopathic Treatment of Soft Tissue Rheumatic Disorders.pdf
Sterols Sterolins, Natural, Nontoxic Immunomodulators and their Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis.pdf
Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee with Zeel T.pdf
Osteoarthritis Patients Regain Mobility.pdf
Analgesic Therapy of Rheumatoid Arthritis Part 2.pdf
Oral Treatment of Inflammatory, and Degenerative Conditions.pdf
Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases with a Homeopathic Preparation.pdf
Potassium Deficiency as a Cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis.pdf
Treating Arthritic Pain with Ginger.pdf
Use of Antihomotoxic Preparations in the Complex Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.pdf
Homeopathic Preparation vs Hyaluronic Acid for Gonococcal Arthritis.pdf
Homeopathic Treatment of Ankle Sprain - A Case Study.pdf
The Efficacy of Traumeel Versus Diclofenac and Placebo Ointment in Tendinous Pain.pdf
Homeopathy and High Performance Sport - A Successful Team.pdf
Complex Homeopathy takes Sporting World by Storm.pdf
Antihomotoxic Mesotherapy of Soft Tissue Sports Injuries.pdf
Biological Pain Relief Medicine for the Locomotor System.pdf
Homeopathic Antiarthritic Preparation Zeel - Clinical Data.pdf
Homeopathics in the Cross Country World Championships.pdf
Osteoarthritis of the Knee Homeopathic Meds vs Cox 2 Inhibitors.pdf
Traumeel vs Diclofenac for Treatment of Tendinopathy.pdf
Treating Sports Injuries with Homeopathic Complexes.pdf
Treatment of Arthritis and Rheumatism with Traumeel.pdf
Treatment of Rheumatic Disorders with a Homeopathic Preparation.pdf
Dual Inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase cyclooxygenase by a homeopathic remedy.pdf
Efficacy and Tolerance of Zeel vs Diclofenac for Gonoarthrosis.pdf
Management of Muscle Strains in the Elite Athlete.pdf
The Use of Heel Remedies in Musculoskeletal Disorders.pdf
Efficacy of Traumeel in Control of Post-Operative Pain.pdf
Homeopathic Antiarthritic Preparation Zeel - A Review.pdf
The Role of Traumeel Compared with Conventional Treatment of Injuries.pdf
A Biotherapeutic Approach to Common Sports Injuries
Biopuncture and the Treatment of Sports Injuries
Is Inflammation after Injury All Bad
Study Confirms Traumeel Effective
Traumeel How Does the Ointment get into the Tube
Treating Sports Injuries - A Functional Approach
Whiplash - Acute Inflammation Becomes Chronic
Review of the Clinical Efficacy of Traumeel.pdf
The Bioregulatory Approach to Musculosekeletal Disorders.pdf
Traumeel vs NSAIDS for Treatment of Epicondylitis
Traumeel and Emerging Option to NSAIDS in Acute Musculoskeletal Injury
Challenges of Pain Masking in the Management of Soft Tissue Disorders