Hair loss is hugely common and notoriously difficult to treat. It is often related to many different factors, one being elevated levels of testosterone and hormonal imbalances.
One natural treatment for hair loss which is a popular biological regenerative treatment is platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy. PRP is a highly effective medical technique utilising enriched plasma, with an extremely high concentration of bioactive platelets. The platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the blood of the patient and helps bio-revitalisation and bio-stimulation. The treatment is based on a biological method that tends to restore the best physiology of the tissue. It has been found in many cases that PRP treatment vastly reduces the progression of hair loss in many and can restore significant density and growth. Satisfactory results are also obtained in the case of alopecia areata (hair loss patches). Autologous growth factors are contained in blood platelets; whose purpose is to reactivate hair follicular stem cell. PRP treatment is a safe technique that does not require particular preparatory exams and is free of side effects such as infection or allergic reactions.
PRP treatment begins with a small blood sample of the patient placed in a centrifuge in order to separate the white and red blood cells of the plasma. The centrifugation in itself does not alter the blood components, it simply separates them. The plasma is then enriched by activating a substance that breaks apart the platelets and releases granules rich in growth factors. The compound obtained is called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and is injected into the area to be treated with a very tiny microneedle. You can immediately return to normal activities.

In a significant amount of cases (beyond 85%), hair grows back stronger and thicker. Different results are obtained depending on the advancement, and the sooner the treatment is performed, the greater the possibility of stimulation of hair re-growth. In the majority of cases, it is recommended to have a4 of four treatment initially, one per month and then just to go onto a maintenance plan as directed.

In a recent study (at the time this article was wrote) a significant reduction in hair loss was observed between first and fourth injection. Hair count increased from average number of 71 hair follicular units to 93 hair follicular units. Therefore, average mean gain is 22.09 follicular units per cm2. After the fourth session, the pull test was negative in 9 patients.
The study can be found here –https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4134641/
if you’d like to find out more on this popular successful treatment for hair loss please get in touch or schedule a free consultation to check your suitability.
Dynamic Regenerative Medicine
01564 330773